With our parents' generation, it was the JFK assassination and the moon landing. Everybody has a story for "where you were when..." And that 'when' is always the same moment. It bonds strangers in a way no other conversation can.
But it works a little differently for us. Over the course of my days, I see two events that keep coming up. Events that I have witnessed to make instant friends out of complete strangers. Backgrounds and cultural differences disappear as everyone seems to share the same lasting shock and emotion towards these happenings. Interestingly enough, one is reserved exclusively for each of the sexes - neither quite seeing the importance in the other event.
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the new vintage |
And I have proof. Whenever I wear one of the 2-3 Structure items I have left, someone always makes note of it. Some guys even grab the label and beg me, "Where did you get this? Is there a store left? Are they coming back?" And without a word from me, they begin to share their tragic story. "It was the first place I bought clothes without my mom... And it was the only store I shopped at... It's where I was reunited with my real father. Why, man? Why did they have to change it?"
It is the only clothing-related anything I've ever seen garner emotion from heterosexual men. And it seems like it affects all heterosexual men.
For just about every girl in our generation, it is a single television event for which an unexplainable bond exists.
Two girls could be at each other's throats, tears and fists flying. Awful names and accusations causing more hurt than any kick or punch ever could. And yet, to extinguish the violence, all anyone has to do is mention the time Felicity cut her hair. And every girl in the room will immediately embrace each other (still crying) and reminisce about that awful time in their lives.
It sounds strange, but it's true. Even girls who never watched the show were affected by one woman's drastic action. And that woman is Felicity, NOT the portraying actress, Keri Russell. Keri Russell had nothing to do with this. It was Felicity's hair that was butchered. Her "beautiful, gorgeous" hair. The devotion to that woman's hair by other females astounds me to do this day.
This isn't one of those fashion police, "What was she thinking?" type of moments. It's more like, "How could she do that..." ::then whispering:: "... to me?" Girls are personally offended by it. Almost to the point of feeling violated. Without exaggeration, they honestly feel as though it was their own hair that was chopped... in the middle of the night... by an oppressive father figure... or evil witch.
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i don't get it. she's still gorgeous. |