

Yeah, that's right. Porn. We were both thinking it. I just had the guts to say it first.

It's a sweaty topic, but I think it is possible to have an intelligent, academic discussion on the topic. We're all mature. So let's not wrap it up like a secret. Let's just whip it out and see what we can do with it. So I hope you're in the mood for a long, slow journey. We're going to take our time and enjoy this.

Let us first penetrate the issue from the perspective of finance. Consider the fact that the pornography industry makes more money than prostitution. It just blows me, but the more I try to argue, the harder it gets. Real hard.

Let us consider sex money to include hookering, "specialty" toys, condoms, edible garments and all the roofies, mickeys and chicklets you can dream of. And let us fantasize the pornography industry to be videos, websites, magazines, books and vinyl records. We might as well flop in strip clubs and other "see but don't touch" venues as pornography, too.

The fact is impossible to ignore as it bulges before our very eyes: people will pay more money to think about sex than to actually do sex.

You're probably thinking to yourself that you might use this fact to make a quick buck. I doubt you can contain your excitement; your heart is racing, the back of your neck is tingling. You want to jump up and mount this sucker and ride the porn industry as a stud investment, don't you? It's okay. joey knows what you want. But more importantly, joey also knows what you need.

The fact is the porn industry may seem like easy money, but it's just a tease. Trust me: if it seems easy, it's going to end up biting you in the ass and you won't like it. Rule #1: no biting.

If you were to take all your savings and thrust everything you have into the market, this is what will most likely happen: you'll rush into things by investing hard and fast. But the market seduces you and quickly has you doing things you never would have imagined. Sure it feels good, but eventually you get a little scared and want to slow things down to a pace you're comfortable with.

But it's too late: the market grabs you and has her way with you. You are so hard up that you never see her coming. The numbers go down on you. And they go down fast. Faster. Faster. Next thing you know, you've shot your wad and you have a pretty ugly mess on your hands. And the kids aren't going to college anymore. Now you're the one who deserves a spanking. You have been very naughty.

Now let's flip this over and try things out from a different angle: morality. Most religions teach us to ignore our primal instincts of lust and want of touch. They'll say that your supposedly "carnal" (read: awesome) acts will earn you a spot on Satan's lap. And that sucks -- in a bad way.

It may be a stretch, but I think I have a reach around that sin. Most faith systems go medieval on acts of sexual deviance, adultery and just about any girl-on-girl-on-guy-on-girl action. I'm ready to come clean. I believe that as long as we're not actually taking part, there's nothing wrong with observing these acts (for $4.99 per minute). How can I know what I shouldn't be doing unless I watch it? And watch it over. And over. And over again.

Maybe I'm yanking this too far, but wouldn't we be doing right by God if we focus our energies simply on the thoughts and not the act? Tit would seem so. Joe 1 - Religion 777.

Maybe I'm just beating around the bush. I don't mean to beat it so much. But there is an issue we're hiding in the closet. Or maybe it would be more accurate to call it the 300lb pink cockatoo in the room.

The fact is, porn is fake. Artificial. Completely saggy. If there was a behind-the-scenes reality show on how they make porn, it would be tremendously unsatisfying. That kind of backdoor access would strip the sweat-dripped allure from the industry faster than you can say "I swear this never happens."

The make-up, the lighting, the fluffers - what could be less arousing? Were you to actually sneak a peak of all the tools used to stimulate a pool boy scene, the whole thing comes up pretty limp.

A let us not forget the greatest injustice of all. It's pretty hard to not to notice something so huge just staring you in the face. So let's stop putzing around and just go to town on this sucker. Of course I am referring to...

Dammit. I'm spent. I really thought I had a lot more on this, but I'm coming up short. So I guess we're finished here. I really didn't expect it would be over this quick. I guess I just got a little too excited.

I swear this never happens.

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