

"That's What She Said" has got to go. I'm sick of it. Every time I hear it, I think "Really? We're still doing this?" It just won't go away.

    In no particular order, my reasons being...
  1. This phrase can be applied to 78% of all statements. All you're saying is "What you just said may also be interpreted as having a sexual connotation. But I don't know the phrase 'double entendre' so I'm going with this." Bravo. Maybe people don't know this, but...
  2. The more often you tell the same joke, the less funny it is. We're currently at a rate of TWSS being legitimately funny 1 out if every 145 times uttered. I blame the fact that...
  3. Unfunny people think it makes them hilarious. It is the only catchphrase in history that people think makes them more clever the more they use it. As a result, it gets...
  4. Ridiculously overused. I'm not sure which is the chicken or which is the egg, but people don't even know why they are saying it anymore. It's gotten so bad that...
  5. People are using it when sex is the actual topic. So all they are saying is "Just so everybody knows, we're talking about sex things... heeheeheeheeheehee." What?!? Am I giving people too much credit? I must be because only that would explain...
  6. The failure of my own attempts to make "That's What He Said" catch on despite there being certain contexts where a feminine subject does not make sense. For example "You're standing on my wiener" or "Today at work..."

But those are only secondary reasons. The biggest grudge I have against TWSS is Steve Carrell. Don't get me wrong. I like Steve Carrell. He's hilarious. I don't have anything against him personally. But the biggest reason this damn thing won't die is because his character on The Office drove it into the ground. But even that's not what bothers me. He's the only person I'm actually okay with using it. As an episode of 30 Rock proudly declared, "Steve Carell owns 'That's What She Said!' Okay? He OWNS it!"

What irks my jerk is how people ignore the fact that the whole point of his character saying it is because he is a guy that doesn't get when things aren't funny anymore. TWSS was well past funny in 2005 when the show started. You think I'm exaggerating? Seriously, it's been around since 1928 (kind of). Just ask The Oracle.

If the show had aired in the 90s, he would have been saying "Where's the beef?" or quoting Animal House. Oh that's right, he does both of things anyway. Point: Me.

This may just be the biggest case of irony in the history of the world. Wait. I don't think I'm using that word correctly.

1 comment:

  1. Boo. Hiss. I still find this phrase funny. But mostly because I actually am funny and use it appropriately and normally when it makes things eeeeextra funny. If you hung out with me more you wouldn't hate it so much;) I bwahaed during that recent 30 Rock though.

    PS: Tell me how you got those flashy Email/Blogger/Twitter/Facebook/Google Buzz buttons. I can't figure it out... See? I'm funny but not so technically inclined;)
